Relevant information about mammoplasty, mastopexy, breast lifting, reduction mammoplasty, types of scars, results, complications etc…
Dr. EL Hachem explains that the breasts become rigid after puberty due to the amount of gland present. Over time there is an obvious decrease in the amount of gland that will be replaced by fat and increased tendency to ptosis (breast drop). Pregnancy is an important factor in accelerating breast ptosis.
The mammoplasty aims to reverse this situation by suspending the breast and removing excess skin and existing breast tissue.
It is indicated for the reduction of large breasts and suspension of fallen breasts.
General anesthesia.
Length of stay:
Generally, 24 hours.
Dr. El Hachem advises that the patient should stay away of all efforts for at least 30 days, avoiding raising her arms for the first 15 days. You should wear a surgical bra for about 1.5 months, depending on medical advice given by Dr. El Hachem. Sports may be resumed after two to three months of the operation.
Although rare, there may be cases of: hematoma, infection, dehiscence (opening points), keloids (as individual patient’s predisposition), pain and thrombosis.
Definitive result:
In the first month the scar will appear red, which will transform into white color with time.
The end result is reached between 6 months to 1 year.
Plastic surgery breast reduction – reduction mammoplasty
1) Is the scar of the breasts esthetic?
All plastic surgeries emit scars, but the scars are located in unexposed areas. In the case of mammoplasty, the scar depends on the type and quantity of breast tissue to be removed. Thus, the scar may be “U”, inverted “T” or Peri areolar.
2) I heard that some patients have very visible scars. Why does this happen?
Some patients tend to have hypertrophic scarring or keloid. This trend, however, can be expected to some extent by Dr. El Hachem during the initial consultation, when examined with a series of questions about your life and clinical past, which would help with the prognosis of scars. Light-skinned people are less likely to suffer from this complication.
3) Is there any solution for hypertrophic scars?
Several clinical and surgical resources allow plastic surgeons to improve unsightly scars, at the appropriate time. This should not be confused however, with the “middle period” of normal healing (the 30th day to the 6th month period) as a complicated scar. Any questions about your evolution should be clarified with Dr. El Hachem and not with others who, like you, are also apprehensive about the final result.
4) Will my new breasts, stay constant in size and rigidity?
The breasts can have their volume reduced by this surgery; moreover, consistency and shape are also improved with this interventions. we can choose several volumes . Here, as in the case of breast augmentation, the proportions should be balanced between the volume of the new breast and the patient’s chest size in order to obtain better aesthetic harmony. During this surgery, the flab and shape of the original breast are corrected; however, “the new breasts” go through several stages of evolution:
a) IMMEDIATE PERIOD: Up to the 30th day. In this period, despite the breasts being with their well improved appearance, its shape is still below the planned outcome. This is because, until it reaches the final form, there are “minor defects” initially present (inevitable in all cases), which tend to disappear with time. Remember this observation: Generally, no breast is “perfect” in the immediate postoperative period.
b) INTERMEDIATE PERIOD: From the 30th day up to the 6th month. In this period, the breast begins to present an evolution that tend to the final form.
Not uncommon in this period, some patients will have numbness or hypersensitivity of the nipple, and greater or lesser degree of “swelling” of the breasts. At this stage, the shape is not the definitive. Despite the happiness of most patients with the result, this period presents the intermediate result that will even get better, as this will be the characteristic of the 3rd period (late).
c) LATE PERIOD: From the 6th to the 18th month. It is the period when the breast reaches its final appearance (scar, shape, consistency, volume, sensitivity). In this period, Dr. El Hachem will compare the result with the preoperative aspect of each patient.
5) How long will it take to achieve the final results?
Regardless of the immediate result being very good, it takes a period between 6 and 12 months for the breasts to reach their final form.
6) In case of new pregnancy, will the result remain or be harmed?
During pregnancy the breast size increases than decrease after lactation. This leads to the distension of the skin, which may not return to the normal size after lactation. If this happens, there will be a case of ptosis (drooping) of the breast. Lactation is usually not affected, unless in cases of large reductions (gigantomastia).
7) Is postoperative Breast surgery very painful?
Dr. El Hachem reassures all patients that it is generally not painful, as long as you follow your doctor’s instructions, especially regarding the handling of arms, efforts and other care in the early days after the operation.
8) Is there any sort of danger in this operation?
It is rare that breast plastic surgeries suffer serious complications. This is because each patient is properly prepared, as well as all contraindications are taken into consideration before this surgery. The danger is not greater or less than traveling by plane, car, or cross a public road.
9) What is the type of anesthesia used?
General anesthesia in most cases.
10) How long does the surgery procedure take?
The average is about three hours, depending on the breasts themselves.
11) How long is the hospital stay?
Generally, 24 hours.
12) Are dressings applied on the breasts?
Yes. Dressings are applied in the early days, because of the possibility of little secretion by the scar.
13) When are the stitches removed?
Dr. El Hachem usually advises that they are taken out between the seventh (7) and fifteenth (15) day without major annoyances.
14) When will I be able to take a full bath?
Generally, after 2 days. Avoid hot and long baths. The bath should be warm and short lived.
15) How long do I have to use the surgical bra?
For at least 45 days.
16) When can I return to my gym?
Usually after 3 months
Breast reduction
1) Communicate with the surgeon two days before the operation, in case of flu or illness.
2) Show up in the indicated hospital, obeying the previous scheduled set by the surgeon.
3) Avoid alcoholic beverages or large meals the day before the surgery.
4) Avoid any medication for weight loss that may be used, for a period of 21 days before the surgery. This also includes diuretics.
5) Schedule your social, domestic or school activities so as not to become indispensable to others for a period of about 20 days.
6) Avoid smoking for at least 30 days prior to surgery.
7) Keep fasting eight (8) hours before the scheduled time of surgery.
8) Avoid any medication containing acid acetylsalicylic (ASA, Aspirin, etc…) or any medication with effect anticoagulant at least 7 days prior to surgery
Postoperative Recommendations:
1) Avoid any effort in the first 30 days.
2) Do not move your arms excessively, do not raise the elbow above the shoulder for at least 21 days.
3) Use the surgical bra for at least 60 days.
4) Follow your prescriptions closely.
5) Normal diet (except specific cases where one should receive proper guidance).
6) Do not worry about the intermediate forms in various stages. Talk to us about any doubts.
7) Avoid any medication containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, aspirin etc…) or any medication with anticoagulant effect at least fifteen (15) days after the surgery. In the case of pain, Paracetamol can be used.