Thigh lift surgery
Informations about plastic surgery of the thighs, thighs dermolipectomy, liposuction of the thighs, recovery, results.
After major weight loss, flaccid bulging of the inner portion of the thighs commonly occur. This is due to excess skin formed by stretching during the overweight period. Since the inner skin of the thigh is relatively thin, it does not contract enough after weight loss, resulting in excessive local skin. According to Dr. El Hachem thighs dermolipectomy aims to remove excess skin, providing an outline of the most natural and less flaccid thigh.
Anesthetic type:
The anesthesia can be epidural or general.
Length of stay:
Usually 24 hours, depending on the recovery and Dr. El Hachem guidance.
Postoperative period:
The patient should avoid excessive movements, mostly opening legs excessively, since the scar is close to the groin and will be under traction in these cases.
The infrequent complications of thigh dermolipectomy, though infrequent, are as follows: hematoma, seroma, infection, dehiscence (opening of the suture), keloid, thrombosis, embolism and anesthesia problems.
Because complications are more frequent in patients that smoke, they should refrain from smoking for a month before surgery to minimize the risks. In the case of oral or injectable contraceptive use, they should be discontinued at least one month before surgery, during which another contraceptive method should be adopted.
Definitive result:
The final result of thigh lift is reached 6 months after surgery, which is the time required for the accommodation of tissue and maturation of the scar.

Frequently asked questions to Dr. Charbel El Hachem
Plastic surgery of the thighs – Dermolipectomia Thigh
1) Does thigh lift leave very visible scar?
The resulting scar from a thigh dermolipectomy is located obliquely in the inguinocrural fold (groin), later extending up to the subgluteal groove. It presents a greater or lesser extent depending on the amount of skin to be corrected. This scar is planned to be hidden under bathing suits.
a- IMMEDIATE PERIOD: Up to the 30th day and present with a barely visible scar.
b- INTERMEDIATE PERIOD: From the 30th day to the 6th month. In this period there will be a natural thickening of the scar, as well as a change in its color, from “red” to “brown”, which will gradually brighten. During this period, there will be the less favorable evolution of healing, what worries the patients most.
Since we cannot speed up the natural healing process, Dr. El Hachem recommends patients not to worry because reduction of the scar remains until the last phase. In this phase it is important not to sunbathe on the scar so that it doesn’t change color.
c- LATE PERIOD: From the 6th to the 12th month. In this period, the scar begins to become clearer and less consistent, thus reaching its final appearance. Any assessment of the final outcome of surgery of the abdomen should be made after this period.
Due to the weight of the skin of the thigh, which is causing traction on the scar, there is often some extension of this in the course of healing.
2) How long will it take to attain the final result of thigh lift?
In the first months, the root of the thigh becomes relatively insensitive, and is subject to periods of “swelling” that resolve spontaneously.
Over the months, having started lymphatic drainage, you will gradually reach the final outcome. You should never be seeking a definitive result before 6-12 months postoperatively.
3) The thigh lift corrects the excess fat located in the region?
This depends on your body type and volume of localized fat. What is also of great importance is the thickness of adipose tissue (fat thickness) that covers the body. Depending on the case, Dr. El Hachem will perform liposuction and dermolipectomy( thigh lift) together.
4) Is there danger in this operation?
Rarely thigh lift surgery has serious complications, since it’s held within technical criteria. This is because Dr. El Hachem properly prepares each patient for surgery.
5) What type of anesthesia is used for this operation?
It can be epidural or general.
6) How long does the surgery take?
On average 3 hours.
7) Will I have to take antibiotics?
Yes, for a period of 7 days.
8) How long is the hospital stay?
24 hours (normal evolution).
9) Are dressings used?
Yes. Periodic Dressings.
10) When are the stitches removed?
When there are points to be removed, usually around 7 to 15 days.
11) When can I take a full bath?
Usually 2 days after surgery.
12) What is the postoperative evolution of thighs lift?
You should not forget that, until it reaches the desired result, several phases are characteristic of this type of surgery. However, some patients may be of some concern in order to reach the desired final result ahead of schedule. Be patient because your body will take care to dispel all abnormalities that, inevitably draw the attention of some of your friends who do not refrain from saying: “will this even disappear?” Obviously any concern on your part should be transmitted to Dr. El Hachem who will give you the necessary explanations for your tranquility. Some patients will develop anxiety at this stage, due to the transitory aspect (edema, insensitivity, scar transition, etc.). This is temporary and usually reflects the desire to achieve the final result as soon as possible. Remember that no results should be considered definitive before 6 to 12 months. In the case of obese patients, “disposal of reasonable amounts of yellowish liquid” may be secreted after the 8th day from one or more points of the scar. This phenomenon is called “lipolysis” and is nothing more than the liquefaction of the residual fat close to the area of the scar, which means absolutely no complication.
13) What does dermolipectomy mean?
Dermo = skin; Lipo = fat; Ectomy = withdrawal. So thigh dermolipectomy means removal of skin and fat from the thighs.
Thigh Dermolipectomy – Preoperative recommendations:
1) Communicate with Dr. El Hachem until two days before the operation, in case of flu or illness.
2) Arrive to the indicated hospital, prior to the scheduled operative date.
3) Avoid alcoholic beverages or exaggerated meals the day before surgery.
4) Avoid any medication for weight loss that you may be using, for a period of 7 days prior to surgery. This also includes diuretics.
5) Schedule your social, domestic or school activities so as not to become indispensable to others for a period of approximately 21 days.
6) No use of oral or injectable contraceptive 30 days prior to surgery. Use another type of contraceptive method during this period.
7) Avoid smoking for at least fifteen(15 ) days prior to surgery.
8) Keep fasting eight (8) hours before the scheduled time of surgery.
9) Avoid any medication containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin, etc…) or any medication with anticoagulant effect at least fifteen (15) days prior to surgery. Also avoid the use of anti-inflammatories. Painkillers and Tylenol can be used in case of pain
Postoperative Recommendations:
1) Avoid efforts for 30 days.
2) Avoid wetting the dressing during the first phase (2 days).
3) Do not expose yourself to the sun, for a minimum of 8 weeks.
4) Walk with short steps, without moving the feet far away laterally, so there is no excessive traction on the scar located in the groin.
5) Avoid smoking for at least fifteen (15 days) after surgery.
6) Avoid any medication containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA , aspirin ,etc…) or any medication with anticoagulant effect at least fifteen 7 days after the surgery.
7) In the case of obese patients, the elimination of a certain amount of yellowish liquid through one or more points of the scar may occur after the 8th day. Do not worry if this happens to you, it is ” lipolysis “.
8) Normal diet (except in special cases).