Relevant information about gynecomastia, lipomastia, pseudogynecomastia, plastic surgery of male breasts, scarring, recovery results.
The term gynecomastia, is a Greek term “female breast”, that defines the benign enlargement of the male breast area. The increase in breast volume resulting exclusively from the accumulation of fat (no gland) is called pseudogynecomastia.
Gynecomastia is presented as an increase in the volume of the breasts, usually rounded under the areola. The lower the presence of fat, more evident becomes the delimitation of the mammary gland. This presentation is more common in adolescents.
With the increasing volume of fat in the breast, the gland becomes less apparent, which diffusely increases the breast volume. This type of clinical manifestation is more common in adults and the elderly.
Anesthetic type:
Usually local anesthesia with sedation is used. Rarely general anesthesia.
Length of stay:
Usually up to 12 hours for local anesthesia and sedation. For general anesthesia, about 24 hours.
The patient should stay away from any efforts for about 21 days. You should wear a compression garment for about 1.5 months. It is not common to have a significant amount of pain, only a mild discomfort, which is easily cured with common painkillers.
It is common to experience swelling and bruising in the operated area, that lasts around 14-21 days. There may be changes in the sensitivity of the areola, usually transient.
Although Dr. El Hachem assures that these are rare complications, some can be cited: hematoma, infection.
Definitive result:
In the first month the scar will appear red, turning whitish with time, depending on the genetics of the patient.
Plastic surgery – Gynecomastia
1) Does Gynecomastia surgery leave a scar?
All plastic surgery leave scars, but the scars are located in hidden areas. In case of gynaecomastia, the scar depends on the type and quantity of breast tissue to be removed, but in most cases are periareolar.
2) How are the scars after gynecomastia surgery?
The periareolar scar is usually of good quality, even in patients who have unpleasant scars elsewhere.
Some patients are prone to hypertrophic scarring or keloid. This trend, however, can be expected to some extent, during the initial consultation, when a series of questions are asked about the patient’s past life, clinical and family characteristics, which help to predict the prognosis of scars.
3) Is there a solution for hypertrophic scars in the breasts?
Several clinical and surgical resources allow Dr. El Hachem to improve unsightly scars, at the appropriate time. One should not get anxious at the “middle period” of normal healing (the 30th day to the 6th month) if a scar looks complicated, because in this period the scar is red and visible. Any questions about your evolution should be clarified with Dr. El Hachem and not with others who, like you, are also apprehensive about the final result.
4) How long does it take to appreciate the final result of gynecomastia correction?
Despite the immediate result which tends to be very good, only between 6 and 12 months that the scar will reach its final form.
5) Is the Postoperative Gynecomastia period painful?
Generally, not, as long as you follow Dr. El Hachem instructions, especially regarding the handling of arms, efforts and other care in the early days.
6) Is there any risk in this operation?
Rarely does gynecomastia surgery undergo serious complications. This is because of proper preparation of each patient, as well as considerations on the suitability of the surgery.
7) What type of anesthesia is used?
Usually local anesthesia with sedation is used. Rarely general anesthesia.
8) How long does the surgery take?
Depending on each type of gynecomastia, however the average is one hour.
9) What is the hospitalization period?
Usually 12h for local anesthesia and sedation. For general anesthesia, 24 hours.
10) Are dressings used?
Yes. They are changed periodically in the first 3 days.
11) When are the points of gynecomastia correction removed?
Usually one cannot remove points because the points are internal and absorbed themselves. When used external points (rarely), are taken around the seventh day without major annoyances.
12) When will I take a full bath?
Generally, after 2 day.
13) When can I return to my gym?
You can gradually return from 21 days, and the return to all sports activities usually after 60 days.
14) The correction of gynecomastia may be associated with other plastic surgery?
Yes, it can commonly be associated with liposuction if there is accumulation of fat in the breasts . Other plastic surgery may also be associated.
1) Communicate with Dr. El Hachem until at least two days before the operation, in case of flu or illness.
2) Arrive to indicated hospital, prior to the scheduled operative date.
3) Avoid alcoholic beverages or very large meals the day before surgery.
4) Avoid any medication for weight loss that you may be using, for a period of 14 days before the surgery. This also includes diuretics.
5) Schedule your social, domestic or school activities as not to become indispensable to others for a period of about 20 days.
6) Avoid smoking for at least fifteen (15 days) prior to surgery.
7) Keep fasting eight (8) hours before the scheduled time of surgery.
8) Avoid any medication containing acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin,etc.) or any medication with an anticoagulant effect for at least 7 days prior to surgery.
Postoperative Recommendations :
1) Avoid efforts in the first 21 days.
2) Do not move your arms excessively. Follow the instructions that will be given at the time of hospital discharge, concerning the movement of the upper limbs.
3) Avoid wetting the dressing until it is authorized to do so (usually for 2 days after surgery).
4) Closely follow the prescribed medication.
5) Normal diet (except specific cases).
6) Do not worry about the intermediate forms in various stages. Call Dr. El Hachem when in doubt.
7) Avoid any medication containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin , etc.) or any medication with anticoagulant effect at least 7 days after the surgery.